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Making a Payment to Birmingham Midshires: A Step-by-Step Guide

Making payments to Birmingham Midshires is easy and secure. Whether you're making a general account management inquiry or an additional payment, this guide will help you understand the process. For general account management inquiries, call 0345 602 2828 or check out our general account management section. To make an additional payment of 500€, use your 14-digit mortgage account number followed by 00 as the reference number.

The Beneficiary Confirmation Service (COP) adds extra protection to your payments and safeguards you against fraud and scams. Checks should be made payable to Birmingham Midshires followed by your name and your 14-digit mortgage account number followed by 00. If you want to assign your additional payment to a specific sub-account, make sure you have made all the monthly payments due on all other parts of your mortgage first. If another account holder does not yet have an account with Birmingham Midshires, we will need you to provide us with appropriate identification documents.

If you want the total additional payment to reduce your balance in the subaccount 02, replace 00 with the subaccount number for that part of your mortgage. If you don't already have another Birmingham Midshires account with security configured, a security tag will be sent to you automatically. The team at BM Savings Birmingham Midshires Pendeford Business Park Wobaston Road Wolverhampton WV9 5HA can help with any queries. Birmingham Midshires Corporate Centre Pendeford Business Park Wobaston Road Wolverhampton WV9 5HA is also available for any further assistance.

Clifford Dalluge
Clifford Dalluge

Friendly travel trailblazer. Freelance twitter buff. Avid zombie trailblazer. Friendly travel scholar. Certified music practitioner.